Plastic spoon or knife
Soft cloth
Mild soap
Of course, wet tar stains are easier to remove than dry tar stains. If the paint has dried, it can still be removed. However, it will require more persistence.
Gently use the plastic utensil to scrape away as much tar as possible.
Next, spray a small amount of WD-40 on the tar.
Gently work it in by rubbing the area with your fingers. You may need to let it sit for a minute or two.
Wipe away the tar with a soft cloth.
Repeat as necessary.
When the tar is removed, clean the area with water and mild soap, removing any residue from the WD-40.
Finally, dry thoroughly.
Alternative Methods To Remove Tar Stains
Otherwise, if you are hesitant to spray oil on your seats to remove the tar, consider one of these options:
Things Needed:
Plastic spoon or knife
Choose a removal agent:
Rubbing alcohol Dry cleaning solution
Baby oil
Glycerin solution (1 part glycerin to 1 part water)
A soft cloth or cotton balls
Mild soap
Wet tar stains are much easier to remove than dry tar stains. Even though it may still remove the dry paint, it will require more persistence.
Start gently using the plastic utensil to scrape away as much tar as possible.
Moisten a cotton ball or soft cloth with water and gently dab the area to wet the tarred area.
Next, moisten some cotton balls with the chosen removal agent and gently dab to apply it to the tar stain.
Let it sit for a minute or two.
Use a clean cloth or cotton ball to blot the area. You then should start to see some of the tar coming off.
Continue applying the removal agent and blotting until the tar is removed.
When all the tar is removed, clean as usual, removing any residue from the removal agent.
Lastly, allow the area to dry thoroughly.
Though safe for most upholstery types, test a small, hidden area, ensuring no adverse effects on the fabric and colours.
In addition, lighter fluid may be used in some situations. However, be sure to use it cautiously as it is highly flammable.
Also, peanut butter has natural oil, which has proven helpful in removing tar. Apply it to the area, allow it to sit, and then drag and wash it as usual.
Call Steam n Dry Upholstery Cleaning Auckland Services on 09-489 5599.